Marilyn Howard, MSW, RN, NYU Certified Coach
Marilyn Howard is a professional gerontologist in New York City.
She has over twenty-five years of experience servicing individuals
and corporations. From coaching, public speaking engagements,
and professional training, Marilyn provides a steady hand to the elderly,
their children, and professional organizations that support them.
Marilyn offers training in management coaching and supports
the organizations’ goals through customer service training.
Marilyn earned her MSW in Social Work from Hunter College. Through the
Brookdale Center on Aging (now the Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging & Longevity), she has worked with organizations such as The New York Times,
The United Teachers Federation Retiree Programs, and numerous assisted
living facilities and nursing homes. She has consulted for Prudential Life
Insurance Company and other organizations. She was also a Guest
Lecturer at the Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore in Rome, Italy.
Founding Director: NYS's first certificate program for Geriatric Care Managers
Contributor: NYS curriculum on dementia for nursing home staff
Program Developer: a cost-effective adult day healthcare model
Initiator: Council on Aging/DD of Greater NYC